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Traffic: 491 lives snuffed out by a lack of kindness in Brazil

The Sergipe transit killed lower in 2014 compared to 2013. There were "only 491" deaths caused by intolerance, arrogance and lack ...

The Sergipe transit killed lower in 2014 compared to 2013. There were "only 491" deaths caused by intolerance, arrogance and lack of respect for life.

117 families were spared the grief of burying their dead, mostly young, since in 2013 were 608 deaths. So, what needs to be done so that this reality be amended to specifically reduce these deaths?
I have seen interesting manifestations in social networks about the difficulty of coexistence of cyclists, joggers and pedestrians on bike paths. Spaces that could be used and shared without problems, but it is not what we see on the streets even noting that these atorem form the most vulnerable groups in the transit chain.

In my view this difficulty points to the crux of the problem since man is always looking for a lower bond to exercise power and command. So when we complained of the conduct of large vehicles passing as if they were the owners of the road, we also see cyclists riding in inappropriate speed on bike paths, causing inconvenience and many pedestrians literally facing up to violent reactions.
I think it's time the public can deal with the matter more seriously and plan effective action to reach the young in their initial training, and to enforce the law (CTB) as the mandatory minimum training, now so despised by society.

Based on IBOPE survey 2007, 6 to 10 riders never crossed a training center, so follow freely offering their bodies luck and asphalt, crowding the private and public emergencies, especially hospitalizations and ICU.

We will only have significant results in the fight against death, when training reach schools, even across the board, as recommended by the resolutions of Contran. Schools have the option of forming their students during high school disengaging the teen to provide the theoretical proof of DMV, but unaware that any educational institution of our state has is aware of this possibility.
Along with the commitment of schools, it is no longer tolerable see the omission of the municipalities that fail to regulate the use of mopeds for fear the outcome of the polls. The irresponsibility of managers results in a high number of deaths that could be prevented if people would oblige law enforcement.

Training, legislation and kindness. The tripod that can change the reality must be shaped in raising awareness for the kindness and life where people are. Families, companies, churches, associations of all kinds need to make the discussion of how to anticipate and prevent accidents by avoiding the suffering of families who bury their victims.
Life is worth ever, and when I'm facing the risk I anticipate myself to others, especially when the other is more vulnerable than me. Slow down, take passage, stop for pedestrian and respect cyclists and motorcyclists. Be complaining, honking desperately and offending people does not contribute to a more gentle transit instead serves only to demonstrate their unwillingness to do their part to you.

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